Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Friends are Important -by Faith Liao

        Do you think friends are important? Well, I do. Friends mean a lot to me. A lot of people may ask: what are friends for? What do they do? Do they care?

        Well, I can answer all these questions. What are friends for? Need help? Your friends are there for you. And they would love to help you.

       What do they do for you? Real friends stand up for you, and you should stand up for them.

      Do they care? Real friends absolutely care for you. They will love you. That is why friends are important. Friends are there when you need a hand.

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Exciting Trip to Mysterious New World–Neptune -by Ryan Chen

        Imagine you will be the first 100 lucky people to travel to Neptune in a new model of super-sonic spaceship. So now is your chance!!  Neptune is the farthest planet from the sun in our solar system. No human ever went to visit the faraway and mysterious Neptune. Only a space probe called Voyager 2 has traveled to Neptune. The space probe took photographs for 5 mouths. So, instead of a 12-year-long trip, we will make it a 4-year-long trip. That's three times faster than before!!! You can closely take a look at the dark storm spots raging, the trademark blue atmosphere, the amazing 13 moons, and the almost-invisible 6 rings. 

        Neptune has a very hot core [5000 degrees Fahrenheit].  The freezing, strong winds on Neptune makes it pretty dangerous to visit. We will provide you with everything you need, with all safety equipment.  We can help you get there for a luxury tour and let you stay at a 5-star hotel. You will be filled with unforgettable memories and have fun exploring this unique planet!

The Discovery of Mercury -by Ryan Chen

        No one really knew who actually discovered the element mercury. It was known to the ancient Chinese, Egyptians, and Hindus in 1500 BC. It was also found in Egyptian tombs. The Chinese thought it was a potion that made them live longer, but it was toxic and killed many Chinese people in 1500 BC. In 1772-1774, two people, scientist Carl W. Scheele and chemist Joseph Priestley heated mercury oxide that made a candle burn five times faster than normal. They had found oxygen. This element is named after the planet Mercury.

        The atom of mercury has eighty protons in the nucleus. It also has 121 neutrons and eighty electrons. The element’s atomic number is eighty, so it is considered a big atom out of 118 elements altogether. The atom has six energy levels where electrons zoom here and there. It is classified as a transition metal and has a silvery white color. It is 200.59 for atomic mass in the state of liquid at room temperature. It is so dense that a steel bolt and a cannonball can float on it! It is melted at -38.83 degrees Celsius, and boiled at 356.73 degrees Celsius. When mercury is boiled, the gas is harmful to people and can go through glass when shaken around because it is very dense.

Uses of Mercury
        Mercury is most commonly used for thermometers. The mercury expands when exposed to heat. Barometers have mercury because it expands due to pressure in the atmosphere. Mercury is also used in street lighting and to extract gold, silver, and platinum from their ores. Mercury hardens with steel and makes teeth filling, too!
Image result for mercury thermometer and teeth filling

The Advantages and Disadvantages of the American and British Army During the American Revolution -by Miriam Chen

          A bang was heard. The war of 1775 started. Is Britain stronger or is America stronger? Who will win? Britain was making unfair taxes and laws on the Americans, and because of this, war started. Americans said that they had the right to govern themselves. On the other hand, Britain disagreed and fought. In the American Revolutionary War, there were many advantages and disadvantages for both American and British armies, which affected the course of the war.

            For Britain, they had many advantages and disadvantages. The British had many advantages. First, they had enough money to hire foreign troops. They were a strong nation at that time and could afford to hire others to fight for them. Also, the army that they had were well trained. Most were experienced fighters that fought the war for Britain while the woman helped cook and send in supplies. Finally, they had the best navy, which protected the coastlines and supply lines. In the textbook History Alive! by Bert Bower, it stated that "Britain had one of the strongest armed forces (military) in the world. The British navy controlled the seas with 270 war ships. Britain’s shipyard built another 200 warships before the war was over." Britain had a lot of advantages that helped them during the war. Despite these advantages, Britain also had many disadvantages. Since the British army had to travel a long distance to fight in the American Revolutionary War, they lacked sleep, were homesick, and were exhausted. The guns that they prepared for the battle were smooth bore muskets, which took longer to load than the American guns, so by the time they reloaded their muskets, they might have been shot at already. Bower mentioned in his book that "soldiers from America also captured cannons and muskets from Britain.” Even though the British had a big strong army, they still had many disadvantages and problems that contributed to their losing the war.

The American Continental Army also took part in this war. Apparently similar to the British army, the Continental Army had advantages and disadvantages. The Continental Army had advantages such as they were able to fight on their own land, which helped them know the areas. Also, they had widespread knowledge of  firearms. In the book History Alive! it said that “The Continentals could fight a defensive war. They did not have to destroy the British army, instead hold them off.” In America, the Continental Army had many motivations and assistance from France to help them fight the British army. Even though Britain was big and strong, America had great strategies and courageously fought Britain. Sadly, America also had a few disadvantages. The Continental Army lacked training and discipline. They also had shortages of ammunition, food, clothing, and medicine. Also, some men fled the army because of starvation and weather. In the book History Alive! it mentioned that “During the winter of 1777-1778 the men in Washington’s army suffered from freezing conditions and starvation, yet they refused to give up.” The Americans faced advantages and disadvantages in the war.  

In conclusion, there were many advantages and disadvantages for both American and British armies during the American Revolutionary War, which affected the course of war. Even  though Britain had a strong and well-trained army, America eventually won the war and was recognized as an independent nation.

The Time Capsule Reopened in 2500 -by Miriam Chen

        The box that you are opening is called a time capsule. Inside this time capsule there is an essay written by a fifth grader in 2015 about her life. Right now in 2500, you must be wondering what school was like in 2015. Well, in 2015 there is a structure called school and we stay there for about 7 boring hours. In school we have two resting period called recess and lunch. We have fields of grass and structures that we play on. But in 2500 you might have robots playing with you and talking to you.

        In 2015, what we do to get around is to ride on vehicles called a car, a scooter, skateboard, or a bike. You might not believe this but we need to move physically in order to get somewhere. What I think you do is ride on hover boards and air-like vehicles. This might sound impossible but it's not. In the morning, we have alarms or watches that wake you up. Once you wake up you have to wait until breakfast is fully cooked. Instead, in 2500, you have robots that make your breakfast. Before you wake up they gently call you, unlike alarms that will annoy you until you wake up and turn it off. In 2015 when you are hungry, food won't just appear out of nowhere. Instead, if you order a snack you have to wait for it. Now in 2500, you can probably order food from your iPhone 75 plus and get it right away. Even though life in 2015 sounds hard, it still had its advantages.

Complaints From Your Goldfish -by Alison Wu

April 29, 2015

Dear Owner,

    Thank you for actually paying attention to me sometimes. I know it’s hard, with you being busy with your work and all, but have you noticed how badly you have been taking care of me? I, as a goldfish, deserves more respect. You do not seem to be aware of all the problems in my tank here. By the way, have you noticed that you haven’t changed the filter cartridge in HALF A YEAR??!! (The package says to do so once a month). Please think about changing the following conditions, if you actually care about me.

    First of all, there are way too many pebbles in the fish tank. Actually, maybe I should call it a fish bowl, since it’s so small. Anyway, the rocks pretty much fill up half the bowl, and if you ask me, that means there is not much room left. The package that held the rocks when you bought them said very clearly to use only half the rocks in a standard fish tank, and a fourth of the rocks for a fish bowl like this one. Second of all, remember when you bought me? (And I personally think that it’s kind of stupid for that store to sell me for fifty cents. We fishies are worth more than that, aren’t we?) The store dude said to make sure I had enough space in the tank. Third of all, those other fish you put in the tank with me should probably go away. They swim so fast, it’s a wonder that I actually get to some food fast enough to stay alive. Also, they are annoying. Especially that fat red one. He snores so loudly (even when he’s not sleeping), I barely ever fall asleep.

    Another thing. The water and the cleaning. Last time you had fish, they all died because the water wasn’t clean. You need to put clean, filtered water in my tank and clean it  every month. Tap water and sloppy, ineffective cleaning every six months just won’t do. Also, don’t use the sinking kind of fish food, or at least use a different brand. The kind that I get results in countless numbers of rotting fish food at the floor of the fish bowl. Please try to be more responsible with your pets.


Your Hopeful Pet Fish

Frogs -by Allison Wu

              Frogs are so interesting that there are about a million facts about frogs. There are many types of frogs that live in different parts of the world. Frogs live everywhere except Antarctica. Some live in trees, rivers, lakes, ponds, and deserts. Many people think that a toad is not a frog. Actually, a toad is a kind of frog, although there are a lot of differences between them. A toad always has a poisonous pouch, no teeth, and has dry, bumpy skin. It has short legs for walking. A frog does not have to be poisonous. A frog has teeth on the upper jaw. Its skin is moist and smooth. It has long legs for jumping. Watch out! Some frogs may seem pretty but they can be poisonous. Their colorful skin is to warn enemies to not eat them. One of the most dangerous frog is the Terribilis, also known as the golden dart frog. Terribilis are smaller than your finger but they have enough poison to kill 20,000 mice. Frogs are very interesting animals.

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If I Could Visit Vincent van Gogh -by Allison Wu

I really, really want to visit Vincent van Gogh. This because we both share a passion: art. Now, Vincent and I like to do different kinds of art. He likes emotional art and I like to sketch. Even though we like different kinds of art I still would love to visit him. If I could visit him I could ask him a million questions, but I narrowed it down to three topics. We would talk about how he learned to draw. To paint, he needed materials. Not a lot of inventions were made back then. I wonder where he got the materials to make such bright colors. How did he know that he wanted to draw? Did he go to an art museum and got inspired by the artwork? Why did Vincent Van Gogh like emotional painting? Or did he just do it to express his feelings? When he was young did he enjoy any other activities? Maybe he shared his activities with a sibling or friend. Overall, if I could visit Vincent Van Gogh it would be a great honor!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

No Electronics! -by Everest Bencher

    When you behave badly, your parents might take away your T.V., computer, and video game time for a week.  Well, here are some other activities you can do without getting into trouble.

    The first thing is, you can play at the park.  I live close to a park so I can walk there.  At the park, you can play catch with your dad.  You can use a football, frisbee, or just kick a soccer ball.  If you are in the need for speed, ride your bike incredibly fast on the sidewalk.  When there are no pedestrians, switch to your highest gear.

    If you are not in the mood for active playing, you can do garden work.  Begin by watering all your flowers.  When you are done, water your vegetable garden if you have one.  Also, help your dad by planting new seeds in a plain patch of dirt, but you have to get your parents’ permission first.

    If you want more people over, you can invite friends if it is okay with your parents.  You can play hide and seek with your friends at the park, or just make up another game to play.  If you are not in the mood to go outside, just play inside with toys or cards.

    Do you feel like working?  You can also do your chores.  One chore is to do your laundry.  If your are done, maybe do your sibling’s laundry.  If your room is messy, you will eventually be asked to clear it.  Instead, just do it without being asked.  Cleaning your room might also help you get your electronics time back.

    I have many other ideas on how to pass time without electronics, but I think that the ones that I wrote about are the best.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

My Favorite Books -by Alyssa Chen

           Although there are many books, my favorite are The Witches, Escape From Mr. Lemoncello’s Library, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
        I like The Witches because it has excitement, fun, and expression. One of my favorite parts of the story was when the little boy got turned into a mouse at Hotel Magnificent. Another part I enjoyed was when the witches of England and the Grand High Witch got turned into mice. My most favorite part of the book was when the little mouse had his “adventure” in the hotel kitchen.

Next, I like Escape From Mr. Lemoncello’s Library because it has adventure, fun, excitement, and you learn a little bit about books, the Dewey Decimal System, and the joy of being in a library. My favorite part about the book was when Kyle wins.

Lastly, I like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory because it has fun, excitement, and curiosity. The funniest part of the book was when this little girl named Violet was turned into a blueberry because of a piece of gum. My favorite part was when Mr. Wonka crashed a hole in the roof of his factory. These are my favorite books. What are yours?

Kennedy Space Center -by Sonny Lowe

            Okay, let’s hit the road! Hi, I’m Sonny and I’ve been on a wonderful trip. It would be a pleasure to share this experience with you. First off, I went with my entire family, which was my mom, dad, and sister, to Orlando, Florida’s Kennedy Space Center.

When we got there we went to the security check place and we put our bags on the machine. Nothing bad. We rushed to the bus tour place and hopped on a bus to go. The tour was a ten-minute tour, at least. On the tour we saw the pad launching area and it was so cool and really big. We saw another one but this time it was actually moving! The pads didn’t move on a normal day tour basis, but it did on ours. We were really lucky. We saw an eagle and its nest, too. The nest was only two meters wide and deep, not so big.

When we got to the museum and on the bus, everybody bobbled off. We rushed to the cafe and ate quickly. We rushed to the moon rock place but found out that we only found the one that you couldn't touch. We wanted the one that you could touch. We then rushed back to the bus and went back to the main space center.We were three minutes late for the astronaut presentation but didn’t miss much. The presentation was interesting and humorous. Wow, I can’t believe that I actually saw an actual astronaut in person! I also took a picture with him. I considered myself really lucky, not to brag.

We went to this show that was about this space shuttle Atlantis that I already knew about, but I never expected that we’d see the real thing, but we did! I took a million pictures and just couldn't stop. It’s just amazing. We then went to the gift shop and I bought five medallions and my sister bought a notebook. My dad wanted to buy a space pen, but we already had one so my mom told him he couldn’t.

Okie dokie, that was the end of that trip, and we had to go back to our hotel before it got dark, or else the alligators would come out. And that was the end of my wonderful trip!  

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How to Get Away from Animal Attacks -by Sonny Lowe


        Have you ever hesitated from going camping or hiking because you are afraid you are going to get attacked by whatever creature that lurks in the forests?  Well, don't be afraid because this article will help you with that.

        Let's begin with a snake. You're walking on a trail when you spot some movement right in the bush next to you. It appears to be a snake. Follow these rules if this ever happens. First, always stay calm. Second, keep babies, children, and kids away from the snake while you try to identify the snake as venomous or non-venomous from a safe distance. Third, keep in mind that snakes will usually try to escape to the nearest cover, so try not to stand between them and bushes or other cover. When they're startled, some snakes will flatten their heads and puff up to make themselves look more intimidating. A snake may also act defensive or try to strike when cornered, so give it space! If you get hit then call the ambulance, squeeze out as many blood that has venom, and keep the place that is injured below the heart. Remember, releasing a smelly musk and striking are a snake's only defenses, since it has no claws. Some non-venomous snakes will rattle their tails when they feel threatened. This can sound like a rattlesnake if they are in dry leaves. After you identify the snake, or at least determine that it is non-venomous, the best course of action is to simply "let it be" and wait for it to go on its way. If you feel that you must remove the snake from your yard, spray it gently with a water hose to send it on its way while keeping your distance. If you find a snake in your pool, you can use a long handled leaf skimmer to gently remove the snake, as it may not be able to get out on its own if it is small or exhausted from swimming. If the snake is venomous or you're not sure of its identity, take a digital photograph and contact a professional! Don't try to handle the snake yourself or you might get in serious trouble.

        Next up, the cape buffalo. Suppose you're in a jeep driving in the wild plains of Africa. You see a buffalo right in front of you. This is what you should do. First, do not ever get out of the car or vehicle you are in. Do not shout at it to let it leave. Be patient. Wait for it to move and keep on going forward. Otherwise, stay put. Always tell someone where you are so they can come help you. Be vigilant and alert to the mood of the animal – whether it's looking aggravated or relaxed. A grumpy buffalo is a killer buffalo. Always approach animals with caution and be aware of where you drive and stop.  These events usually happen in the African savannas so whenever you go to Africa or like a place like that be ready because you might meet a buffalo.

        With such low numbers, chances are slim that you'll encounter one of these 2-3 ton tanks, the black rhino. But, if you do, the best thing to do is get down wind fast and be quiet. Like all rhino species, these guys have poor eyesight but a good sense of hearing and smell. If that doesn't work and the rhino's aggressive nature kicks in you have to do some quick thinking. you should do is climb a tree. If there are no trees, run into a thicket of scrub where the rhino will most likely not follow. If there's no scrub, their next suggestion is to stand your ground and yell. I don't know about you, but standing my ground against a charging rhino that could have reached a top speed of 35 mph sounds almost impossible. But it's either do it or die or get severely injured. Once one of the tactics above has worked, the final recommendation is to run in the opposite direction since the rhino will most likely keep on running and won't turn around for another charge.

        Not that I am saying you are going to die if you encounter one of these animals. I'm just saying that even meeting one of these animals are really rare. But if you do, remember these tactics that can save your life.

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Time Capsule of The Daily Life of a Fourth Grader -by Alison Wu

    This box that you have just opened in the year of 2500 is called a time capsule. It was buried in the year 2015. This article is about the life of a fourth grader back then. Everything probably seems very low-tech to you, and you're probably wanting to put down this paper and play on your iPhone 73s or whatever you have now. Please kindly continue reading because a fourth grader spent a lot of time writing this for her writing homework.

    In the morning of a fourth grader in 2015, parents all over the place drag their kids out of bed and prepare breakfast for them. Then, the kids reluctantly get dressed and eat whatever food is offered to them. If they are not too late for school, they may walk, bike, skateboard, or scooter to school. Most of the time, parents drive the kids to school in this moving thing called a car. Yes, in 2015, a fourth grader had to physically move to a place called school where you learn things. Of course, now, in the year of 2500, you could just teleport wherever you want to go.

    At noon, kids are still in school. After surviving a long, boring lesson, they go and eat lunch. The school serves food, so kids use these bills called money to buy their lunches. Then, they go outside and play. In 2500, kids probably have some device that prevents them from ever needing food, but in 2015, all humans had to lift food up and put it in their mouths. After lunch, fourth graders would go back to class and learn some more.

    After school, fourth graders go home and do homework. Homework is when kids had to go home and do even more work besides what they did at school. Then, they would have a snack, do some chores, and eat dinner (more hand-lifting and chewing). After dinner, fourth graders would either read, watch television (full color. In 2015 they didn’t have those TVs where real people and things pop out), or practice an instrument. Then, they would brush their teeth. Fourth graders in 2015 had also had to lift up their toothbrushes and move it back and forth on their teeth to clean them. Last, kids would go to sleep in these things called beds. So that is the typical daily life of a fourth grader in 2015. Thank you for bothering to finish this article.  

African Elephant Research -by Kyle Lei

African elephants are amazing mammals, but they are threatened by humans. They live in dense forests and open plains. They weigh 5,000 to 14,000 lbs and their height at the shoulder is 8.2-13 ft. They are herbivores that eat grass, roots, bark, and fruit. An adult can consume 300 pounds of food in a day. A group of elephants is called a herd, but it’s only made out of females (cows). They are also the largest mammals discovered. Their ears are shaped like the continent of Africa, and the ears also radiate heat to keep them cool. They are slightly larger than Asian elephants. They are fond of water and spray it on themselves. They also like spraying dust on themselves so they don’t get burned by the sun (natural sunscreen). African elephants’ trunks are used for drinking, breathing, smelling, trumpeting, and grabbing things. African elephants have 100,000 different muscles in their trunks. They also have two small finger-like features to grab small items. The tusk, on the other hand, are used to dig for food and water, and strip bark from trees. The tusk is made out of ivory. The males use tusks to battle each other, but the ivory tusks attract poachers to kill them for ivory to make into trinkets and other objects. The trade is illegal now but has not been completely eliminated. There used to be a few million African elephants, but now there are 450,000 to 700,000 left. African elephants are endangered.


The Amazing African Elephant -by Grace Yang

The African elephant is the largest land animal on earth. They are known for their long trunks and their ears that are shaped similar to the continent of Africa.

Firstly, the trunk is a very important part of the elephant. The trunk contains 100,000 different muscles total! Its jobs are smelling, breathing, trumpeting, and drinking. It is somewhat similar to a human nose. The African elephant likes to be in water and is fond of showering. They spray water on themselves with their trunk. One special fact is that they spray a layer of dust or dirt to protect their skin.

            The African elephant ranges from nine to thirteen feet high, and weigh 8,800 to 15,400 lbs! Their main predators are humans. Poachers hunt for their ivory tusks, and to get to it, the elephants must be killed. Usually, the elephant is left there and will bleed to death. People carve the tusks to make mini sculptures or trinkets to sell.

            You might be wondering, why does the elephant weigh so much? Well, that is because they eat up to 400 pounds of food each day. Some foods they eat are roots, grass, fruits, and bark. Obviously, they are herbivores. Sometimes, females are pregnant with young calves. Elephants have a longer pregnancy that any other animal : 22 months! Usually, one female will give birth to one calf every two to four years. At birth, elephants already weigh around 200 pounds. Imagine that! Eating 400 pounds a day, and being 200 extra pounds heavy is really heavy! That is probably heavier that a school bus.

           African elephants all live in the dense forests and plains. However, males tend to roam on their own while females stay in herds. African elephants have unique characteristics and adapt to the warmest places in the world. African elephants are amazing animals, and they definitely deserve to be treated with care and kindness. 

Works Cited:

"African Elephants." National Geographic. National Geographic Society, n.d. Web. 06 Mar. 2015.
"Basic Facts About Elephants." Defenders of Wildlife. N.p., 18 Mar. 2012. Web. 09 Mar. 2015.

Making a "B" Sandwich -by Alyssa Chen

            Do you like Subway sandwiches? Well if the answer is yes, you might like making a yummy “b” sandwich.  You might wonder what a “b” sandwich is. Well it is a bread, bacon, banana, and honey (which comes from bees) sandwich. Making a yummy “b” sandwich is quite simple. First, you will need to gather the ingredients and prepare the tools. You will need one loaf of Dutch crunch bread (you can get it at Safeway), some honey, bacon, banana, and a butter knife. Next, you take your Dutch crunch bread and slice it in half. Then take one slice and drizzle honey on it. Cut the banana into slices and cover up the honey with however many banana slices you will need. Then get the bacon pieces and put them on top of the banana slices. But make sure the bacon pieces all go the same way so they won’t fall out. The final step is to eat! You can quickly munch down your sandwich and find some more time to make this sandwich again.



African Elephant Report -by Jeremiah Lai

African elephants are the largest land mammal on earth. They are herbivores, and they live in dense forests to open plains. They weigh about 5,00 to 14,000 lbs. They are a threatened species and their predator is human.

African elephants are endangered for their tusks. People find these tusks valuable from elephants, but they do not know how amazing these animals are. Now, we will first explain what these animals look on the outside.

African elephants have ears that look like the continent Africa. Their ears radiate heat to keep cool. They are slightly larger than their Asian cousins. These species are the largest land mammals on earth. Their tusks have more than 100,000 muscles. The males use the trunks to fight. When the elephants are born they weigh at least 200 to 300 pounds.

The African elephants enjoy showering water by using their trunks to suck up water and spraying it on their back. The males leave the herd at the ages of 13 to 15. African elephants are not as domesticated as their Asian cousins. They need large amounts of food. Elephants eat grass, leaves, bark, and roots. Elephants use their trunks to grab small items. They have a longer time of  pregnancy than any other animal, 22 months. They can communicate faster than a human’s voice can go.

People use the ivory from elephants to make things and sell. The population used to be over a million, but now there are only 400,000 to 700,000 African elephants left. These amazing animals are endangered and we need to help and protect them.

Image result for male elephants fighting images

Works Cited:

"African Elephants." National Geographic. National Geographic Society, n.d. Web. 06 Mar. 2015.

"Basic Facts About Elephants." Defenders of Wildlife. N.p., 18 Mar. 2012. Web. 09 Mar. 2015.

How to Make a CABB Sandwich -by Faith Liao

                  Have you ever heard of a CABB sandwich? If not, a CABB is a cheese, avocado, bacon, and basil pesto sandwich.

First, grab two pieces of bread and put them on a plate. Secondly, spread avocado, guacamole will work, on one of the pieces of bread. Get a butter knife to spread the avocado. On the other piece of bread, with the butter knife, scoop up some basil pesto and spread it over the other slice of bread. Lastly, put bacon on the slice of bread. Put both slices of bread together. Finally, you have made your delicious, mouth-watering CABB sandwich. Enjoy!

The African Elephant- by Allison Hsu

         They weigh between 8,800 to 15,400 pounds and stand up to 13 feet tall. African Elephants are the largest living land mammal on earth! They have huge ears shaped like the continent Africa that radiate heat. Image result for african elephant side view

Although these wonderful animals may look big and carnivorous, they are not like that at all; in fact they’re actually herbivores!  Sleeping only 3 to 4 hours a day, elephants spend much, if not all, of their time foraging for the much needed food to sustain their huge bodies. Adult African elephants can eat up to 300 pounds of root, grasses, fruit, and bark in a single day.Image result for african elephant herds

  African elephants live in dense forests and open plains. Female elephants and their young live in herds often led by the largest, oldest female elephant known as the matriarch. When a new calf is born, it is raised and cared for by the whole matriarchal herd consisting of up to 100 elephants. By the time male elephants hit their teenage years, they leave the matriarchal herd and either lead solitary lives or join up with other males and live in temporary herds.

African elephants have really good memories. This memory serves the females elephants well because every year they’ll remember where all the good water holes are. Recent studies have shown that African elephants can communicate through long distances by making subsonic rubbing noises that can travel through the ground faster than sound through air!

Out of all the animals on earth, the African elephant has one of the longest pregnancy periods- up to twenty-two months! Female elephants usually only give birth to one calf every 2 to 4 years (twins are rare). At birth, each calf weighs about 200 pounds and stand up to one meter tall (three feet).Image result for cute baby elephant

Even though it is illegal to hunt African elephants, people still poach the elephants for their precious ivory tusks. If you want to help keep these beautiful, intelligent creatures front going extinct, you can help by spreading the word and donating money to various animal support groups. The next time you see an ivory sculpture or a piece of ivory jewelry, remember that in order to make that piece, a elephant had to die for it, so you should simply put it down and walk away.

Image result for cute baby elephant   Image result for cute baby elephant

Image result for cute baby elephant      Image result for cute baby elephant

Works Cited:

"African Elephants." National Geographic. National Geographic Society, n.d. Web. 06 Mar. 2015.

"Basic Facts About Elephants." Defenders of Wildlife. N.p., 18 Mar. 2012. Web. 09 Mar. 2015.