Thursday, May 14, 2015

No Electronics! -by Everest Bencher

    When you behave badly, your parents might take away your T.V., computer, and video game time for a week.  Well, here are some other activities you can do without getting into trouble.

    The first thing is, you can play at the park.  I live close to a park so I can walk there.  At the park, you can play catch with your dad.  You can use a football, frisbee, or just kick a soccer ball.  If you are in the need for speed, ride your bike incredibly fast on the sidewalk.  When there are no pedestrians, switch to your highest gear.

    If you are not in the mood for active playing, you can do garden work.  Begin by watering all your flowers.  When you are done, water your vegetable garden if you have one.  Also, help your dad by planting new seeds in a plain patch of dirt, but you have to get your parents’ permission first.

    If you want more people over, you can invite friends if it is okay with your parents.  You can play hide and seek with your friends at the park, or just make up another game to play.  If you are not in the mood to go outside, just play inside with toys or cards.

    Do you feel like working?  You can also do your chores.  One chore is to do your laundry.  If your are done, maybe do your sibling’s laundry.  If your room is messy, you will eventually be asked to clear it.  Instead, just do it without being asked.  Cleaning your room might also help you get your electronics time back.

    I have many other ideas on how to pass time without electronics, but I think that the ones that I wrote about are the best.

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